Use of the internet or email are intended for your convenience only, and by communicating through these electronic channels, you assume the risk of any unauthorized use. Unauthorized use can occur as the Internet is not secure or private, thus unauthorized people may be able to intercept, read and possibly modify e-mail you send or are sent by The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery (TWC). We value your privacy and advise the following steps to minimize any potential risks.

  • Since e-mails can be copied, printed, and forwarded by people to whom you send e-mails, you should be careful regarding whom you send e-mails.
  • You must protect your e-mail account, password, and computer against access by unauthorized people.
  • If you choose to contact us from an employer e-mail account, please be aware that your employer may claim ownership of, or the right to access, the e-mail account issued to you by your e-mail. Because of this, we would advise that you avoid using an employer-issued e-mail account to communicate with TWC if possible.
  • If you do provide an employer-issued email account to communicate with us, you understand and agree that your employer may have the right to access all emails sent by TWC to the account, and you provide permission to TWC to send emails.

By checking this box you hereby agree to hold The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery (TWC) and associated persons harmless from any hacking or any unauthorized use of your personal information by outside parties.