5 Myths About Rhinoplasty You Should Stop Believing

What should I know before getting a rhinoplasty? Our Portland, OR-based team sees many patients who are in the planning stages for nose surgery and want to find out everything they can about the procedure.

First, the basics: Rhinoplasty—commonly known as a "nose job"—is a surgical procedure designed to reshape and enhance the appearance of the nose. It is also performed to address functional issues, such as breathing difficulties caused by structural abnormalities. By bringing the nose into better alignment with other facial features, a nose job can improve overall facial harmony and create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Despite its widespread popularity, however, rhinoplasty remains a topic surrounded by misconceptions and myths. No matter your procedure of choice, it’s important to understand what’s true and what’s not when it comes to cosmetic surgery so that you can make well-informed decisions.

In this post, we’ll explore some of the most common misconceptions about rhinoplasty surgery—and explain the reality behind them.


  1. Myth: “The Results Will Look Unnatural”

Patients are sometimes worried that their nose will look fake or “done” after a rhinoplasty so others will be able to instantly tell that they’ve had a nose job. Quality results depend on a quality plastic surgeon! Our team can ensure that the results of your procedure are subtle and natural-looking, so that they are noticeable, but not obvious.


  1. Myth: “A Nose Job Will Alter Your Sense of Smell and Taste”

While it’s true that your ability to smell and taste may be affected during your initial stages of recovery, this will only be temporary, and your senses should return to normal once the swelling goes down.


  1. Myth: “Only Celebrities or the Wealthy Get Rhinoplasty”

Rhinoplasty is not exclusive to people who live lifestyles of the rich and famous. It is a procedure available to all individuals from diverse backgrounds who seek to enhance their appearance or address functional concerns.


  1. Myth: “It’s Vain to Get a Nose Job”

Patients often want to correct cosmetic concerns that affect their self-esteem. It’s not vanity to get cosmetic surgery, and many people find that their overall quality of life is improved by their choice.


  1. Myth: “Nose Jobs Are Only for Women”

Another common misconception about nose surgery is that it’s not for men. Even though the majority of nose jobs are performed on women, a significant percentage of the procedures are also performed on men, according to recent statistics. In fact, the procedure is suitable for patients of any gender who want to enhance their nose’s appearance of function.

What else should you know before getting a rhinoplasty? Contact our Portland, OR-based Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery to find out more about how to plan for a nose job and what to expect. Call us at 503-646-0101 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.


3 Reasons Why Breast Augmentation Is Worth It

Is breast augmentation worth it? Our Portland, OR-based team knows patients often ponder this question when they’re thinking of having cosmetic surgery to enhance the size and shape of their breasts.

Breast augmentation—also known as augmentation mammoplasty—is a surgical procedure that involves increasing the size and enhancing the shape of the breasts. Over the years, breast augmentation has become one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries worldwide.

While the decision to undergo any surgical procedure should be carefully considered, there are numerous cosmetic, physical, and psychological benefits associated with breast augmentation—and several compelling reasons why many women find this form of cosmetic surgery to be worth it.

If you’re still unsure whether breast augmentation with implants is the right choice for you, check out these three major reasons why this procedure is so popular.

  1. It Enhances Breast Size and Volume

Larger breasts are often associated with beauty, youth, and femininity. The placement of implants improves the fullness of the breasts, which can be beneficial for women who are born with naturally small breasts or whose breasts have lost fullness due to weight fluctuations, pregnancy, aging, or other factors. Moreover, breast augmentation can create better overall body proportions and balance, enhancing the natural curves and silhouette.

  1. It Can Boost Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

One of the major reasons why this procedure is worth it to many patients is because it can give patients a major self-esteem boost. Some women feel very self-conscious or less attractive because of the size and shape of their breasts. Breast augmentation can give you a new sense of self and newfound confidence.

  1. Clothes May Fit You Better

It can be difficult to find clothes that fit if you can’t fill them out in the bust area. Breast augmentation with implants will alter your proportions, which opens up a whole new world of clothing options for some patients. Achieving a fuller and more balanced bust can make it easier to find well-fitting clothes that flatter the body shape. Clothes that may not have looked as appealing before can now complement the enhanced breasts, allowing women to feel more comfortable and confident in their clothing choices.

Is breast augmentation worth it? Contact the Portland, OR-based Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery to find out more about the benefits of this procedure. Call us at 503-646-0101 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.

What Are the Best Ways to Boost Liposuction Results?


How can I maximize my lipo results? Our Portland-based team understands that patients will want to get the most out of their body-contouring surgery.

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgery that can help remove stubborn pockets of fat from various areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, and arms. While liposuction can provide significant results, it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedure to optimize them.

Liposuction can produce beautifully transformative results, but there are some steps you can take to enhance them even more. Here are some ways to boost your liposuction results:

Follow a Healthy Diet

Even though liposuction removes some fat, the remaining fat cells in the treatment area and those in other areas of the body can still become enlarged if you gain weight in the future. Maintaining a healthy diet is essential after liposuction. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can help you maintain a healthy weight and prevent the re-enlargement of fat cells in the treated areas.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is essential after liposuction. Not only will it help with healing, but it can also prevent dehydration, which can negatively impact your overall health and well-being.

Exercise Regularly

While you'll need to avoid strenuous exercise for a few weeks after liposuction, incorporating regular exercise into your routine can help maintain your results. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise—such as walking or cycling—most days of the week.

Wear Compression Garments

Compression garments can help reduce swelling and promote healing after liposuction. Your surgeon may recommend wearing these garments for several weeks after the procedure.

Consider Additional Treatments

In addition to liposuction, there are other treatments that can help boost your results. These procedures may be able to address problems that liposuction can’t, such as loose skin and weakened muscles. For example, some patients choose to have a tummy tuck or body lift to remove excess skin and further contour their body.

Our Portland, OR-based Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery team will explain more about what can be done before and after liposuction to ensure the best possible outcome. Call us at 503-646-0101 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.

5 Things You Should Know Before Enhancing Your Pout

What should you know before lip injections? Our Portland-based team knows patients are curious about what to expect from these treatments—and how to achieve their optimal results.

Lip injections have become an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment in recent years, thanks in part to the rise of social media and the influence of celebrities. But before you decide to book an appointment, it's important to understand what you're getting into.

Here are some important facts you should know before lip injections.

There Are Different Types of Lip Injections

When people refer to "lip injections," they're usually talking about dermal fillers made from hyaluronic acid. However, there are other types of lip injections, including several types of fillers available for the lips, as well as neuromodulators to soften “lipstick lines” around the mouth. There are different brands and types of fillers that vary in their texture, density, and longevity. It's important to understand the differences between these treatments and which one is best suited for your individual needs.

You Should Talk to Us About Your Goals

Before the treatment, you’ll have a consultation with us to discuss your goals and expectations. This will help us determine the best course of action for achieving your desired results. Lip fillers are versatile and can have many benefits that go beyond plumping the lips, such as improving definition and enhancing the Cupid’s bow.

Hyaluronic Acid Lip Fillers Are the Most Common Type

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps to keep skin plump and hydrated. Fillers that contain this ingredient are safe, effective, and provide natural-looking results.

Consider Your Facial Proportions

Your lips should be in proportion with the rest of your facial features, so it's important to consider your facial proportions when deciding how much filler to use. We can help you determine the appropriate amount of filler for your unique features.

Avoid Taking Certain Vitamins and Supplements

You will need to avoid taking aspirin or other supplements or medications that thin the blood for around one week prior to your appointment, because they increase the risk of post-injection bruising. This is, of course, only advised if it is medically safe to do so.

What else should you know before lip injections? Our Portland-based team at the Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery will explain more about how fillers can enhance the appearance of your lips. Call us at 503-646-0101 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.

How Does a Nose Job Improve Facial Symmetry?

Plenty of people wonder, “Does a nose job make your face more symmetrical?” Our Portland, OR-based Waldorf Center team offers nose surgery for patients who obviously want to make changes to their nose—but many women and men might not realize that rhinoplasty can also enhance a person’s overall appearance.

A nose job is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose to improve its appearance and function. One of the key benefits of the surgery is its ability to enhance facial harmony, balance, and symmetry.

Here are some ways that a nose job can help patients to achieve these goals:

Correcting Proportions

The nose is a prominent facial feature, and its size and shape can significantly impact overall facial proportions. This is because the nose draws considerable focus, and even when people are looking at other features or the face as a whole, it impacts their perception. A nose job can improve the balance and symmetry of the face by reducing or increasing the size of the nose, reshaping the tip, and refining the nasal bridge.

Balancing Facial Features

A nose job can also help balance facial features by creating a more harmonious relationship between the nose, eyes, lips, and chin. For example, a nose that is too large or wide can make the eyes appear smaller, while a nose that is too small can make the rest of the face look disproportionate.

Reduce the Appearance of a Hump or Bulbous Tip

A prominent hump on the bridge of your nose or a bulbous tip can detract from the beauty of your other facial features. A nose job can address these issues by reshaping the nose, reducing the hump, or refining the tip, creating a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Improving Facial Symmetry

Facial symmetry is an important aspect of beauty, and a nose job can help improve this aspect by correcting a nose that skews too much to the right or left.

In addition to improving the appearance of the nose, a rhinoplasty can also address functional issues such as internal obstructions. This can improve not only your breathing, but also your overall quality of life.

A nose job can significantly enhance facial harmony, balance, and symmetry, and can have a positive impact on both your appearance and self-confidence. With careful planning, a nose job can be a safe and effective way to achieve your desired results.

Contact the Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery team to learn more about what nose surgery can do. Call us at 503-646-0101 or fill out an online contact form.

How Do You Make CoolSculpting® Results Last Longer?

How can I maximize my CoolSculpting® results? Our Portland-based team at the Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery knows that plenty of patients have this question. We already recommend fat-freezing for patients because of its long-lasting results—which is why we offer CoolSculpting® at the practice in the first place—but there are certainly ways to ensure you enjoy slimmer and leaner contours for years to come.

CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive body contouring procedure that uses controlled cooling to freeze and get rid of stubborn fat cells in targeted areas. The treatment is reliable, but certain factors can affect the longevity of the results. Gaining new weight, for instance, can impact the remaining fat cells, which may grow larger if given the opportunity.

Here are some tips for making CoolSculpting® results last as long as you’d like:

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: To make CoolSculpting® results last longer, it's important to commit to healthy choices. This includes eating a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity. By maintaining a healthy weight, you can help to preserve your CoolSculpting® results.

Avoid Significant Weight Gain: It's important to avoid significant weight gain after CoolSculpting®. Although fat cells crystallized by the treatment are gone for good, if you gain weight in the future, the remaining fat cells can expand, which can negatively impact your results. Therefore, it's important to maintain a stable weight.

Drink Plenty of Water: Staying hydrated is recommended, since it can help to flush out dead fat cells after the CoolSculpting® procedure. Drinking plenty of water can also help to keep your skin firm and taut, which can help to better preserve a toned look.

Avoid Sun Exposure: Ultraviolet radiation can damage the skin and cause it to sag, which can negatively impact your CoolSculpting® results. To help maintain your contours, it's important to avoid excessive sun exposure and to protect your skin by applying a high-SPF sunscreen.

Stay Active: Remaining physically active can help to keep your metabolism revved up and make it less likely for you to gain weight. CoolSculpting® reduces fat, but has no effect on skin and muscle. Regular physical activity can also help to tone your muscles and keep your skin firm, which can help to make your results look better.

Get a Touch-Up Procedure: If you're noticing that your CoolSculpting® results are starting to “fade,” consider getting a touch-up treatment, which can reduce volume even more and refresh your results.

Our team at the Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery can tell you more about this fat reduction treatment. Call us at 503-646-0101 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.

Will a Tummy Tuck Strengthen Your Core?

Does a tummy tuck repair stomach muscles? Our Portland-based Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery team knows that many patients who want to enhance their midsection wonder about the full benefits of the procedure when they’re considering tummy tuck surgery.

A tummy tuck can provide many benefits: It will improve the overall shape of the stomach area. It can involve the removal of loose skin and fat—and sometimes the abdominal muscles will be tightened as well.

Why is the necessary for certain patients? After having a baby, many women experience back pain as a result of weakened abdominal muscles that separated throughout the pregnancy. On fact, pregnancy can permanently affect the stomach muscles, causing them to stay “stretched out” for good. Unfortunately, it is not really possible to fully reverse this problem with exercise on its own.

The condition is known as diastasis recti, and it can cause the belly to stick out for months or years after you’ve had a baby. Abdominal muscle separation can also occur due to weight fluctuations from yo-yo dieting, doing weightlifting or sit-ups incorrectly, or other causes. That means men can also experience this condition, usually due to improper exercise or weightlifting techniques or gaining significant weight that causes the muscles to separate.

Separated stomach muscles can give the stomach a flabby appearance. Many people may not even be aware that muscle separation is what’s causing them to have a protruding stomach that won’t flatten regardless of how much exercise they do.

Abdominal weakness is more than just a cosmetic issue. It can also cause other medical issues, such as lower back pain. A tummy tuck will usually involve surgical tightening of the abdominal muscles to improve abdominal support, which can help with discomfort. The stomach muscles and fascia will be stitched back together to give the stomach a tighter, more toned appearance. By repairing the muscles, the aesthetic results from the surgery will also be enhanced. Strengthening the abdominal muscles can even potentially improve your posture.

Our team can tell you more about the benefits of abdominoplasty surgery if you’re interested. To get more information or schedule a consultation, call us at 503-646-0101 or fill out a contact form to arrange an appointment to discuss abdominoplasty.

Will Breast Implants Feel Real?

In recent years, there has been an increased interest in implants that mimic the look and feel of actual breasts as closely as possible. Patients are no longer interested only in the size of their implants, but also their shape, proportions, and how they feel to the touch. When considering these aspects, many patients want to know: Does breast augmentation feel real? Our Portland-based team at The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery believes that although breasts that hold implants may feel slightly different to the touch when compared to breasts that have not been altered by plastic surgery, it’s possible to have implants that feel very soft, subtle, and similar to natural breasts.

Fortunately, there are implants and techniques available to make your implants look and feel remarkably real. Read on to learn more.

Generally, patients find that silicone implants tend to look and feel more natural in comparison to saline implants, since the silicone options are filled with a cohesive gel that has a soft, compressible texture and moves like natural tissue. Highly cohesive silicone implants retain their shape better than traditional silicone implants while still being soft to the touch.

IDEAL implants are another option to consider for patients who desire a natural look and feel. These next-generation structured saline implants combine some of the benefits of both silicone and saline implants. They provide a natural shape and feel, but there is no risk of the “silent ruptures” associated with traditional silicone implants.

It's recommended that you have an under-the-muscle placement for your implants if your goal is to enjoy a natural, gradual slope—especially if you have a thin body type without much natural breast tissue to work with. This placement softens the appearance of the implants so their edges are less obvious.

If a highly natural look and feel are your goal, keep in mind that larger implants may be tempting, but that they also tend to look more obvious. It’s best to choose a diameter, projection, and volume that fits your body type. If you have a significant amount of existing, natural breast tissue, your implants may also have a very natural feel.

So, does breast augmentation feel real? Our Portland, OR-based Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery team can provide more advice about what to expect from the popular breast surgery. Call us at 503-646-0101 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation if you’re interested in learning more.

Can Liposuction Treat Belly Fat?

Even after you successfully reduce your overall weight, there’s no guarantee that you’ll get the body shape you want. Genetics and hormones influence how we store fat on our bodies, so some people will naturally have more fat on areas such as the midsection, meaning it will look proportionally larger even if they lower the number on the scale. If having a narrow waist and a flat, toned stomach is what you want—but you always gain weight on your stomach before anywhere else—it can be challenging to achieve your desired look. This is why many people turn to plastic surgery to finally achieve the sculpted body shape they’ve always wanted. With that in mind, patients often ask: Will liposuction get rid of belly fat? Our Portland-based team hears this question from women and men alike who are considering surgical body contouring as a method of reducing diet-resistant fat and improving their shape.

The answer depends on what type of belly fat you’re hoping to reduce.

Not all body fat is the same. Subcutaneous fat is the soft and wobbly stuff that’s located directly beneath the skin. This type of fat can be grabbed or pinched. It’s found on areas like the thighs, hips, flanks, and upper arms. Although you can lose some of this fat with exercise and dietary habits, it can be tricky to lose it from certain areas. Environment factors influence the amount of subcutaneous fat we accumulate.

Visceral fat, on the other hand, is found deep in the abdominal area, surrounding organs. It is not visible on the outside.

Plastic surgery treatments can only target subcutaneous fat. In other words, liposuction removes the pinchable fat from directly beneath the skin. If you mostly want to lose subcutaneous fat from the belly area, then liposuction could be a good solution. However, if you mainly want to lose hard belly fat, it will be best to focus on lifestyle changes.

Although you can still have liposuction if you have a lot of visceral fat, it can affect the type of results you attain. For example, if the subcutaneous fat is removed, you may still be left with some fullness from visceral fat. For this reason, many people choose both surgery and lifestyle changes—which also has the added benefit of improving health.

Our Portland-based team at The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery has answers to your questions. Call us at 503-646-0101 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation if you’re ready to discover more about what cosmetic surgery like liposuction can do.

3 Reasons to Consider Getting a Facelift

A facelift is one of the most effective ways to restore a visibly more youthful appearance. It remains one of the most in-demand procedures worldwide even though a growing number of advanced, minimally invasive anti-aging treatments have become available. There are different versions of a facelift, with each one customized to address a patient’s unique needs. But what does a facelift improve? Our Portland, OR-area patients choose this procedure for a variety of reasons—though all of them stem from wanting a rejuvenated look.

A facelift can’t prevent the skin from aging, and it’s also not designed to be a treatment for fine wrinkles. Instead, the focus is on signs of aging that develop in the contours of the lower two-thirds of the face. If you want to improve the general look and quality of the skin itself, other types of cosmetic procedures are typically a better choice.

Considering that, are you unsure whether this is the right type of cosmetic procedure for you? Here are three benefits of facelift surgery that you should be aware of while you explore your options:

1. Lifting and Tightening the Skin

The skin loses collagen due to aging, and fat pads beneath the skin become thinner or displaced over time. Sagging may begin to occur on the lower face as the cheeks become flattened and gaunt. A facelift is often the best way to tighten that sagging skin on the center and lower areas of the face. The procedure can involve removing excess skin and tightening the remaining skin, sculpting and repositioning tissues, and creating more youthful contours.

2. Long-Lasting Results

A facelift provides longer-lasting results compared to non-surgical options. However, it’s important to take care of your skin at home if you want the results to last for as long as possible. As noted above, the face will continue to age after a facelift surgery, but many people feel that it “resets the clock” by about a decade.

3. Natural-Looking Results

There’s a misconception that a facelift will give you an unnatural or windswept appearance. A facelift, when performed by an experienced surgeon, will give you a younger, reinvigorated look that still looks like yourself. The key, of course, is choosing the right provider.

Talk to our team at The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery. We will explain everything you’ll need to know about this and other types of cosmetic surgery, as well as answer questions so you can determine if this is the ideal place for your facelift. Call us at 503-646-0101 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation if you’re ready to learn more.